
Pas de Smartcar!

I heard about this on NPR this morning: a battery powered, dent-proof electric car designed by an Indian engineer who did his graduate work in Detroit. It costs only $6000. Sounds great for India and it would be perfect for New York (minus the luxury factor and the fact that most Americans aren't able or used to doing yoga while driving).

It is reminiscent of the SmartCar which Austin and Ben and I drove when we were vacationing around the south of France. The funniest moment on that trip was Ben on the phone with a car rental place in Cassis. His side of the conversation consisted of him yelling "Pas de SmartCar! Pas de Smartcar!" It offended our American big-car sensibilities.But the funny thing is, we ended up tooling around the whole region with a SmartCar, and grew to love the little things by the end of the trip.

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